There are a lot of perks to renting 3 bedroom apartments. You have company when you want it. You can significantly lower your bills over living alone. You have someone to split chores with. But, it can take some careful etiquette to ensure that you and your roommates have a peaceful existence. Consider these tips to ensure that everyone gets along:
1. Yours, mine and ours.
In 3 bedroom apartments, some people advise separating every single item. But, it doesn’t make sense to have three separate stashes of paper towels, three cartons of milk and three bottles of ketchup. Make agreements about which items will be communal and which are purchased separately by each roommate. There are a number of cost splitting apps that make it easy to divide the bill for items that you all use.
2. Like attracts like.
When you are talking to potential roommates, don’t try to fudge the truth to look better. If you tend to like to stay up late, be honest about this so that you can find someone with similar habits. Additionally, to keep the peace, messy people should live with messy people, and clean people should live with clean people. If you’ve already started living together and you find that your personalities, hours and cleaning habits don’t line up, do your best to accommodate one another. For instance, keep early morning and late night activities to your rooms or to the public areas of the apartment building instead of risking waking the people you live with.
3. Respect each other’s space.
When sharing 3 bedroom apartments, even spacious ones can seem a little cramped at times. Try not to have friends over every day. Take some time to entertain outside the house or alternate hanging out in each other’s apartments. If your roommates have guests more often than you’d like, say something before the situation gets overwhelming. It’s also important to remember that your roommates are probably also dealing with heavy classloads. Make sure that all of you have enough quiet time and space to get the school work done so that you all can excel.
4. Talk out issues early, but tolerate one another.
Your roommate may not realize how crazy it drives you when beach towels or bathing suits are left drying in the bathroom. The roommate who ate your last yogurt may have made an honest mistake and really thought it was one of the ones that he’d purchased. Make sure that you communicate calmly when something isn’t going well. Talk out minor issues before anyone starts developing resentment that can hurt your roommate relationship.
The truth is, we won’t always get along with the people who we live with 100% of the time. But, by exhibiting consideration and being easygoing about others’ faults, you can increase your chances of happy home-sharing.
Looking for a great place to share? Contact The Standard at Knoxville today.