Apartments Off Campus Offer Great Growth Opportunities

Throughout your college years, one of the best experiences that you can achieve is living in apartments off campus. While this may seem like a bit of a bold statement, we assure you that we are not making it up. Living off campus provides a number of personal and professional growth opportunities for students. From learning the ins and outs of an apartment lease, to discovering the true meaning of friendship when you live with your best friends, when you find yourself living in apartments off campus, you will discover that a whole new world awaits.

3 Reasons Apartments Off Campus Encourage Student Growth

Growing up is a part of every University of Tennessee at Knoxville’s students’ lives. For some it may be dubbed a “necessary evil;” for others it is the experience that they have been yearning for since they were gawky teenagers with braces. No matter your thoughts on the matter, it is hard to deny that off campus apartment living is a proven way to grow (and perhaps grow up a bit too). And so, here are three of the top reasons that off campus apartments allow students to grow.

  1. Experience new freedom. — When you live off campus you are introduced into a world that doesn’t revolve around dorm mentors, SAs, RAs, or hallway monitors. Instead it is the “real world,” which means it is a chance for you to experience the freedoms of adulthood like never before.
  2. Discover new responsibilities. — While “responsibility” might have a negative connotation to the avant-garde-at-heart, it is in fact a good thing. When you live in apartments off campus you discover the responsibility of having to: pay rent on time, peacefully resolve roommate squabbles, learn to interact with your neighbors, understand a legally binding document, shop for groceries, do your own laundry, and keep an entire living space clean.
  3. Meet new people from different walks of life. — When you live on campus you are encouraged to meet your fellow students. When you live off campus no one is around to encourage you to meet new people, build new relationships, and discover amazing friendships. With this in mind, apartments off campus offer the unique opportunity to build relationships with both undergraduate and graduate students, as well as apartment residents who aren’t attending the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. In their own way, apartments off campus introduce you to life after college, where you will have to make new friendships that aren’t based on the professors you have in common.

The Standard at Knoxville Is An Ideal Off Campus Apartment For Students

The Standard at Knoxville provides the ideal introduction to living off campus. Located right next door to the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, this luxury student apartment complex is perfect for any students who want to grow by living off campus, while still retaining a close proximity to the campus that they love. To learn more about leasing in 2016, contact a leasing specialist today!


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